Termination of the criminal case

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Termination of the criminal case

The criminal proceedings against our client have been terminated.

According to investigators, the young man committed a crime under Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (the punishment provides for imprisonment for up to 10 years).

However, during the consideration of this criminal case at the stage of preliminary investigation, we have repeatedly expressed our disagreement with the incorrectly chosen qualification of our client's actions.

When considering a criminal case in court (the case was being processed by a very experienced judge, the state prosecution was supported by an experienced assistant prosecutor), it became clear to everyone that a person was being accused of something he did not commit.

The result of the case is as follows:

Retraining from Part 4 to Part 2 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, termination of a criminal case, termination of criminal prosecution, a person is released from custody in the courtroom